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Name: | Impumssnina  | E-Mail: | battery650 126.com | Homepage: | http://www.large-battery.com | Time: | 06/25/2012 at 3:20am (UTC) | Message: | Detection of Lithium
Dr. Doug Stewart
Lithium was discovered before Johan Arfvedson in 1817, during an scrutiny of petalite
He rest the petalite contained ¡°silica, alumina and an alkali.¡± (1)
The up to date alkali metal in the petalite had unique properties.
It required more acid to undo it than sodium and its carbonate was no greater than sparingly soluble in o šC to sodium carbonate.
The new alkali differed from potassium because it did not persuade a reckless with tartaric acid.
Arfvedson tried to bring out a sterling representative of the new metal by electrolysis, but he was unfruitful; the battery he cast-off was not powerful enough. (2)
The sanitary metal was unique the following year on both William Brande and Humphry Davy working independently.
Davy obtained a minuscule quantity of lithium metal aside electrolysis of lithium carbonate. (3)
He famous the strange ingredient had a red flame color to some like strontium and produced an alkali explanation when dissolved in water.
In days less safety-conscious than the now, Brande said of lithium, ¡°its fluid tastes acrid like the other fixed alkalies.¡± (4)
By way of 1855 Robert Bunsen and Augustus Matthiessen were independently producing the metal in hefty quantities by electrolysis of molten lithium chloride.
Lithium¡¯s label is derived from the Greek word ¡®lithos¡¯ meaning, ¡®stone.¡¯ |
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Factory Staff: ** mga Taga gawa ng manika**
-=Dave7620 - Dark knight=-
Mhey - Silent Songstress
Jenny - The "DUDE"
Faith - Self imposed sexy?
Ruel - Siren of the night
Andy - The "workhorse"
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Emi - The hot momma....
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Su - Rebel Mom
Ghlennix - The "Gigolo"
Gail - The "KFC girl"
Noemi - The "New Rebond"
Niño - The "Veteran"
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